Elegantly Bound Read online

  Elegantly Bound

  A.J. Cheryl

  Copyright © 2020

  Amberlynn May All rights reserved

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

  Cover design by: Amberlynn May

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2018675309

  Printed in the United States of America

  To my husband Josh, my sons, and my Muma Martina (who has been waiting many years for this book) and to me, for finally finishing this book.

  Keep your head up, trust your gut and do not change unless it is for yourself.


  Elegantly Bound

  A.J. Cheryl

  Chapter 1

  “Okay, this is it, I have no reason to be nervous,” Lucille paced back and forth in the grand hallway, her glossy, black kitten heels click-clicked off the freshly waxed marble style floor. Her fingers tensed and released, over and over as she dragged her royal blue manicured nails across the front of her grey sheath dress.

  She ran a hand across her hair, her mass of tight near black curls pulled tightly into a business style bun that sat low on the back of her head and accented with a gold flower pin. She adjusted the slim white belt at her waist and stared at the door she was to go into. She tried to look between the slatted blinds into the office.

  A small chirpy voice surprised her, and Lucille spun on her heel to face it. She stood in front of an impeccably dressed man. He too wore grey, but in a two piece suit. One of his buttons was left undone, and he looked stylishly handsome in a corporate way. “He’s ready now, you can go in, Ms. Davis.”

  She straightened up, giving her hair one last swipe and her dress a pluck for lint. “Yes, thank you. Sorry, I didn’t see you there.” She babbled.

  The man came around her and pulled open the door, held it open expectantly. He nodded towards the door when she made no motion to move.

  She tapped the few feet into the CEO’s office, where it became muffled on carpet. The door closed behind her and she stood waiting, after taking a couple more steps away from the door.

  The room was lavishly decorated- in a subdued kind of way. Two large plants on either side of a large desk. Various degrees and certificates hung on the wall with gold foil stamps embellishing each one. The large window at the back of the room supplied a ton of natural light, but the blinds were half drawn.

  She spied the heavy black desk and the silver nameplate that shone metallically on it. The words “William Davis, CEO” printed in a deep flat black script font. There were piles of loose papers, filled, stamped envelopes and folders scattered about, and somewhere behind there were two flat screen desktop computers and a single keyboard. Farther yet, behind the cluttered, well worked desk sat a man, his large, dark hands tented under his chin. A small smile teased the corner of his mouth, but he held it as still as he could.

  William’s fingertips were slightly hidden by a short grey beard, the only real tell of his advanced years. A square head topped by a small grey cap of tight curls. Matching grey brows rested above deep brown eyes that smiled, despite their tiredness. He smiled and gestured towards the chair, inviting her to sit down.

  She took a seat in one of the two armchairs and waited to begin the meeting.

  When William spoke, his voice was roughened by age and years of pipe tobacco. “Lucille, do you remember your lessons?” he sat forward in his chair and looked over his daughter.

  She looked every bit the part she was going to have to play in a few short years. Lucille had taken years worth of business courses, leadership seminars as well as having interned under William’s own assistant and learning the in and outs of the company.

  Not only had Lucille shown interest in the company at a youthful age, insisting on sitting in on his board meetings, but she was the eldest child. Her sister, Taryn, ran a bookstore in the inner city and didn’t even like the word “Corporate.”

  “I’m quite sure they are ingrained fully. You know I take my education very seriously.” Her voice was even, she managed to keep it from shaking. In no way was she afraid of her father, she was just nervous to be taking a secondary role to him. He wasn’t retiring yet but would be taking on more of a figurehead type of role while he allowed her to mostly run the company.

  There was still time before the change would be implemented; in such time, she would be receiving a new employee.

  She too would need her own assistant.

  “Do you understand what you’re going to be responsible for?” William folded his hands on the desk.

  Lucille noted the age in his hands, they were dry and calloused, but they were strong hands that once stood frames for houses. When she looked back up at his face, he had an eyebrow risen as he waited for her to respond.

  She nodded, “Yes. I’m going to be training an employee new to Holdson to work directly underneath me and aid me in my regular and irregular duties. I will be learning the intimacies of the company as I do this. Allowing us to both be prepared for the job and the work it entails when you step back to watch me- and the company grow and flourish.”

  William placed his thumb and forefinger on his temple and brow, then closed his eyes. “It is an exceptionally large and demanding duty, daughter. Are you positive you are ready? You can always wait the full year, there is no hurry. It doesn’t have to be so soon.”

  She began to laugh, “It’s only because you wouldn’t allow me to start sooner than that.”

  In truth, her William didn’t want her to start so soon. She had talked him down from five years to half of one.

  Now, she was on her last few weeks and taking a forced vacation. Forced because Lucille wouldn’t take the time to rest otherwise.

  He still wasn’t sure how she managed that, but she was his daughter. He could expect no less from her. She had been surprising him her whole life.

  “You’ll have to move out.” He reminded her.

  “Great, I’ve already been looking for a place.”

  “There may be travel involved. Possibly relocation.” He leaned forward even further as he pressed her.

  Her full lips turned down at that. “I’m not leaving Canada.”

  “Lucille, we talked about this. If we expand and need a location outside of Canada-which you know is in our five-year plan- “

  “Yeah, Dad, I know, I know.” Her professionalism died when she cut him off. “Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  His gaze bore into brown eyes that were so much his own. “You will do what is best for the company and will put its needs before yours Lucille.”

  She lowered her gaze into her lap, before meeting his again. “I don’t feel that will be necessary.”

  His mouth set in a straight line as he gave his daughter a look that was both questioning and threatening. “So, you want to push back your promotion then? I can give you more time, so you will be more prepared to make required sacrifices.”

  “No!” She shot up from chair and it pushed backwards on the carpet. “No. I want this. I’m ready.” She calmed herself, then sat down again, in the chair that hadn’t been shoved away.

  “Last thing.” He cleared his throat, then looked away. He began to move papers around on his desk. He was stalling.

  She knew he was uncomfortable with something. “Dad.”

  He shuffled a pile of papers then stapled them. He shut them in a drawer before he looked at her again. “No workplace romances. You’re going to see lots of these people
, daily, don’t put yourself into a situation.”

  “Like you did. With Mom.” It wasn’t a question, it was fact. “I don’t see that happening with all the work I’m going to be buried in.”

  “I managed, now, do as I say, not as I do.” He remarked. “Now, are you ready?” He hoped she would say no. He wanted her to change her mind and give himself a few more months to let his company go to his daughter.

  “I am.” He knew she wouldn’t and sighed. The man stood and came around the desk to meet his daughter.

  “I love you Lucille.” She smiled down at her, proud but nervous. The corners of his eyes crinkled, and deep smile lines made homes on his face. It had been a long time coming, but even then, at twenty-six, she was still young. He was pushing sixty-three himself, yet he worked like a man half his age.

  “I love you too.” She gave her brightest, most confident smile she could for her father, and he encased her hands in his.

  “Okay, now go. Take the rest of the day off, I’ve got Rhea to handle anything you needed to do today. See you in two weeks, I’ll see that your office is ready by then.”

  “I’ll probably go check out that place I had mentioned before. Maybe I can sign a lease today. I was going to go tomorrow but if I’m free now, I’ll get it done with.” She stood and straightened the skirt of her dress, smoothing the wrinkles out over her butt and thighs. “I’ll see you at dinner.”

  “Yes, text me the name of that wine your mom likes, I want to surprise her when I show up to dinner on time.” He winked.

  “It’s called Oyster Bay; I’ll text it to you.” She laid a hand on the door. “‘Bye.”

  She walked down the hallway, past the many offices and let her gaze linger on one with no name card and blinds drawn. Her future office. At the opposite end of the hall from William’s, but on the same side.

  She was often asked if she was concerned about being so close to the CEO’s office and she always said no. William trusted her, which was important, so she didn’t think he’d check up on her often unannounced. But more than that, the man tended to get so wrapped up in his work that he forgot he had people working for him that could help. He rarely left his office except to meet her mother, Angela, attend a meeting or use the washroom.

  Not to mention he vacationed nearly as much as he worked. He called them “Tropical Business Meetings”.

  Lucille knew that he’d be there to help her if she asked, but she would not, and William would be caught up and probably forget she was down the hall.

  Chapter 2

  Dominic strolled into his Father’s home office. Late. He would have been on time, except that he had decided to fit in a workout before hand, as well as discarded what remained of the medication he had stopped taking a long while back into the toilet. He didn’t need it he had decided, and only kept it in case he had a relapse, which had not happened since he took himself off the drugs and out of therapy. He had frowned as he dumped the pills and flushed them away. It angered him that he had been forced to take them to begin with. Unfortunately, the damn things were the only path to freedom for him. So, he agreed for lack of choice.

  As far as he could see, he was cured of what his father had believed was a sickness. Dominic felt he could be completely done with them now.

  The heavy wood door closed behind him and he was left in a room decorated like the devil’s study. All the décor was darkly colored and illuminated by wall sconces throwing off warm orange and yellow lights.

  It was a large space, with room for a massive mahogany desk, bookshelves, a bar and even a lounging area. The walls were paneled, albeit beautifully and accented by a brick feature wall which housed a gas fireplace.

  It was silent in the room, the only sound being the hum of electricity. Lucian enjoyed the quiet, and he leaned in his high back leather chair as if it were a throne, relishing it. He watched angrily as his son casually made his way in.

  Dominic’s black hair was wet and slicked back, gathered in a ponytail low on his neck, a gold medallion hung on deep bronze skin. Wearing nothing but a pair of shorts with a hand towel sticking out of the back, he lounged on an overstuffed chaise with one leg hanging over and both arms behind his head.

  Lucian’s voice carried easily throughout the dimly lit room, “You’re late, Dominic.”

  He shrugged. “Y’know, just because you like to live in this room, where it’s dark and hard to really see anything, doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t enjoy a workout and shower now and again. When’s the last time hot water hit your flesh, old man?”

  “Are you ready, Dominic?” Lucian’s sigh was heavy, and he sat up straight to look closer at his son.

  “Dad...” Dominic closed his eyes, already bored. He had heard the lecture often enough to know when his Lucian was about to get into it again. His eyes were shut, but he rolled them. “It’s a JOB. Come on. Let it go.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. You’re overconfident Dominic. I wonder sometimes how you don’t trip over your own ego...” He shook his head in disbelief.

  Dominic sat up annoyed at his father, how could he say that? “Overconfident? How difficult can it be? I go in, get the broad faxes and coffee, figure out how not to get fired...”

  “DOMINIC!” at Lucian’s sudden flare of anger, all sconces seemed to flicker, creating an effect of menace in the room. The man was stressed, more than he wanted to be. But he didn’t want to be in another position to bail Dominic out simply because he couldn’t keep his hands and ideals to himself.

  Intimidated by his father, Dominic shot straight up. “What? What did I say?”

  “Have you not been listening to me at all?” Lucian took a deep breath and gathered his thoughts.

  “I am concerned because you will be working closely with a woman. I am concerned that I am going to have to solve a problem that should not have arisen in the first place. I don’t want a repeat of-”

  “Dad.” Dominic cut him off. He did not want to hear the next words. He sat down, finally understanding his father.

  Lucian saw that and calmed down, “I’m not the same as I was.” He thumbed the medallion. “I’ve been fine for a while now. This is my reminder. Can’t you trust me?”

  “So, I only have to do this for a few months?” He needed to change the subject. “Why is that bad?”

  “The job is temporary, yes, but there is opportunity for it to become permanent, which I would not be against. I won’t force you to stay working at Holdson. If you prove you can handle something as small as an assistant job, then you can come back to work for me if you like. I only have concerns as you haven’t been in the workforce for a few years now. I only want to start you slow.”

  Dominic laid back down, closed his cinnamon colored eyes. “Okay, fill me in. What do you need exactly?”

  “I need you to do your job and be good at it. That’s how you will keep your job and gain financial independence. That’s it.” Lucian got up from his chair and paced, before heading to the bar. “This is a job where you need to get to know a person well enough to anticipate their needs, while remaining professional.” He glanced at his son. “You might even work your way up the ladder if you stay. Who knows?”

  “People like me. I’m great. And quite attentive.” Dominic sat up and began to toy with the gold medallion around his neck. Financial independence sounded great, but he also liked having copious amounts of money conveniently deposited to his account on a regular basis with no effort on his behalf.

  Freedom was nice, but he didn’t want to give up his free time. A job meant no more luxury vacations. His Instaface profile was going to be very boring for a while.

  His father enjoyed the anxiety and sudden lack of confidence playing across his son’s face. “Go change. We need to get you new clothes for you first day of work.”

  “Can you at least continue the payments?” Dominic asked.

  Lucian shook his head. “Fine. But, if you lose the job before the temporary position is up, I will cut you off
completely. I didn’t pull the strings I pulled for you to be a bad employee. Now, go change.”

  “Fantastic. Also, you know I have suits right? I can get fitted on my own.” He complained. “And it’s not even for a few weeks. There is no rush. I am a grown man, remember?”

  “Yet, you still live in my house, using up all my hot water. Go.” He set down his whisky glass.

  Dominic stalked out to his bedroom to ger proper clothes on.

  Lucian just shook his head as he followed his son to the doorway. “You wear too much cologne.” He called after him.

  “You don’t wear enough!” Dominic yelled over his shoulder as he continued.

  He already didn’t like the job. He would rather live on the cushion of his parent’s money, but they wanted him to go out and earn a few dollars of his own before he got officially handed anything.

  “Dominic, before you go.” Lucian started, and Dominic stopped just outside the door. “You won’t be staying here anymore. I’ve given you my other property. The paperwork went through today.”

  “But I didn’t sign anything.” He turned around, confusion blatant on his face.

  “Funny how that works.” Lucian waved Dominic away. “Now pack up your room, I’d like a proper guest room by next week.”

  “Gee thanks, Dad.” He muttered.

  He was thirty-one, but still had an allowance, though it was nothing to sneeze at. A cool four grand every two weeks, he was putting some of it away, invested the rest.

  His parents didn’t know, and they wouldn’t think Dominic would even consider that, but he had been watching his father for years. He knew how to play the money game. He simply never had to work to get the money to play with.

  Dominic’s money, though hidden away, worked for him. He planned to keep it that way.

  Chapter 3

  “Thank you so much! I appreciate you letting me move in on such short notice.” Lucille flashed her best smile at the 60-something year old man who kept saying “yes, yes” and nodding his head vigorously.